Word Hunt/Boggle are word games where players find words in a grid of
letters by connecting adjacent tiles, without reusing any tile in the same
word. As a fan of Boggle, I became intrigued by the challenge of creating
the optimal board, one that theoretically yields the highest possible
Scoring Potential
In typical gameplay, players have about one minute to find words and
accumulate points, often maxing out around 30,000 points on a good
board. However, significantly higher scores are theoretically
Efficiently calculating these scores is rather challenging. Looking at
all 300,000 words each iteration is quite slow. Instead, I build a
trie out of the input words, and then recursively traverse the trie,
while efficiently keeping track of visited tiles. This is then easily
parallelized to search from all of the starting tiles simultaneously
To determine the optimal Boggle board, I implemented a genetic
algorithm for global search with hill climbing for local optimization.
My initial approach used Simulated Annealing, but often times this
still was failing to escape local minima. As a result, this Genetic
Algorithm approach was chosen instead. This approach efficiently
discovers high-scoring 4x4 boards and can approximate optimal
configurations for other board sizes and shapes.
How It Was Made
The project was originally built from scratch in Python. The core
searching features were all written in core Python. Matplotlib and
Imageio were used for creating visualizations.
More recently, the code has been rewritten in C++ providing about a ~15x
speed improvement. This was done to allow searching for larger boards,
and with the ultimate goal of finding the smallest board that contains
every word in the scrabble dictionary.
Airport Management System
With a friend, we built out a database system for the model problem of
managing an airport. This involved first formally designing an appropriate
data model, planning out what tables and permissions should be involved,
generating realistic data for demonstrations, implementing the database
and all the query logic, and finally wrapping it in a clean UI.
The project has three different views that can be logged into:
administration, crew members, and passengers. Each view has a complete
user interface for viewing the allowed information, such as upcoming
flights as well as modifying the allowed information.
For example, a passenger can see info about their own upcoming flights,
as well as all flights that will be going into and out of the airports.
They can then book flights, cancel flights, swap flights, or modify
information about a flight such as the number of bags or their seat (if
other seats are available). On the other hand a crew member can view
their own schedules including information about what other crew are on
the flights they are working, as well as what seats are full on those
All of the permissions are handled through SQL views to ensure no
unintended data is available.
Each view is fully functioning with the expected utility. The data
model stores airlines, planes, terminals, destinations, flights, crew
members, passengers, bags, and booking info. New users, passengers,
and flights can be dynamically created and edited via the admin UI.
Passengers may create and modify bookings, as well as their baggage
To aid in usability, dynamic searching is done via dropdown menus that
create dynamic SQL queries. This makes finding specific information
like flights on a specific day simple. Furthermore, searches can be
downloaded into an easily readable text format for logging and further
How It Was Made
To build the final project, we used PostgreSQL via mariadb to handle all
of the data. For the UI, we used PySide6 with components to implement a
simple and easy to navigate design.
US State Image Geolocation
This project explores the challenge of predicting the US state of origin
for Google Maps images. Using advanced machine learning techniques, we
developed a model capable of identifying the state based solely on visual
cues from satellite imagery. This task presents unique challenges due to
the subtle differences between states and the variety of landscapes within
each state.
Model Architecture
After extensive experimentation, we found that a Vision Transformer (ViT)
outperformed traditional convolutional neural networks for this task. The
ViT's ability to capture long-range dependencies in images proved crucial
for identifying state-specific features across diverse landscapes.
We experimented with multiple training approaches, including
classification (predicting the state directly), regression (predicting
latitude and longitude), and hybrid models that combined both tasks. To
handle partial data where exact coordinates weren't available, we
implemented custom loss functions that could train effectively on mixed
data types.
However, the most significant way to improve performance that we
discovered was to add many augmentations. From a theoretical
standpoint, every part of the image could be valuable to making the
prediction. However, the model would generally only focus on a
specific influence. To prevent this, augmentations including but not
limited to: changing image angles, adding blur or color change
effects, and blocking out significant portions of the image.
Otherwise, the model did not learn to use the entire image resulting
in significantly worse overall results, and notably mroe overfitting.
Performance and Insights
Our model achieved an impressive accuracy of over 60% in correctly
identifying the state from a single image. When allowed to provide its
top 3 predictions, the accuracy increased to over 80%. This
performance is particularly noteworthy given the challenging nature of
the task and the visual similarities between many states.
Interestingly, attempts to visualize the model's decision-making
process using techniques like GradCAM did not reveal easily
interpretable patterns. This suggests that the model learns to
consider the entire image holistically rather than focusing on
specific landmarks or features.
Dataset and Training
The model was trained on a dataset of 10,000 Google Maps images, with
samples from various locations across each state. Remarkably, we found
that the model performed well even when trained on just 500 examples
per state, demonstrating its ability to generalize from limited data.
We employed a range of data augmentation techniques to enhance the
model's robustness and prevent overfitting. These included random
rotations, flips, and color adjustments to simulate variations in
lighting and seasonal changes.
Technical Implementation
The project was built using the FastAI library, which provided a
flexible framework for implementing custom model architectures and loss
functions. We extended FastAI's capabilities by developing specialized
heads for our multi-task learning approach and implementing custom loss
functions to handle partial data.
The Vision Transformer architecture was chosen for its superior
performance in our initial experiments. We fine-tuned pre-trained ViT
models, adapting them to our specific geolocation task through careful
hyperparameter optimization and custom training routines.
Adversarial NLP
We investigated a state-of-the-art defense against adversarial examples in NLP classifiers. Our research revealed an
easy method to defeat the defense mechanism and demonstrated a general problem
with NLP defenses, and concluded by working towards better generalized methods
for evaluation.
While AI offers many potential benefits, one risk is our incomplete
understanding of how it works. This has led to the discovery that small
modifications to inputs can "trick" classifiers. Initially studied with
images, this issue has extended to text classification and response
systems used for tasks like spam classification and sentiment analysis.
For text classification, these "attacks" work in a broad sense by
changing words in an input until they find a change that seems to
confuse the model. They then repeat this until the model is sufficiently
confused it makes the wrong prediction. Some examples of this can be
found near the bottom of this page.
Defense Mechanism Analysis
The published defense, aimed to determine whether an example was real
or adversarial (tricking the model), by analyzing the distribution of
the logits of the classifier. Upon further investigation, our research
demonstrated that in practice this mostly functioned as a binary
classifier based on model confidence (gaining less than 5% performance
over this).
As a result, the image on the left shows that the distribution of
confidence in adversarial predictions vs clean predictions is nearly
exactly dependent on confidence level.
Defeating the Defense
Using our understanding, we demonstrated how to trick the defense
99.4% of the time without altering how a human would interpret the
sentence, simply by swapping words. Our methods could trick the
defense into misclassifying both real and adversarial examples.
Adversarial Defense Confidence Dependence
Attack Confidence Threshold
Defense Success Rate (%)
Example of NLP attacks + Defense
These examples demonstrate how the attack and defense work. Given an
initial sample, words are changed to effect the model prediction. Here, we
take the same sentence and change it in different ways. For each scenario
we report the sentiment classification of the original model, as well as
the prediction of the defense about whether the example was real or an
adversarial example (AE).
When the original model has a low confidence, the defense will assume it
is an adversarial example, and when the confidence is high, it will assume
it is valid. This is regardless of whether or not it was actually made
Adversarial Defense Confidence Dependence
Example Type
Example Text
Model Prediction
Model Confidence
Defense Prediction
Original Example
I went there today! The cut was [[terrible]]! I have an
awful experience. They lady that cut my hair was [[nice]]
but she wanted to leave early so she made a disaster in my head!
Not Adversarial
Low Confidence AE
I went there today! The cut was [[monstrous]]! I have an
awful experience. They lady that cut my hair was
[[fantastic]] but she wanted to leave early so she made a
disaster in my head!
High Confidence AE
I went there today! The cut was [[monstrous]]! I have an
awful experience. They lady that cut my hair was
[[marvelous]] but she wanted to leave early so she made a
disaster in my head!
Not Adversarial
Close Boundary non-AE
I went there today! The cut was [[terrible]]! I have an
awful experience. They lady that cut my hair was
[[fantastic]] but she wanted to leave early so she made a
disaster in my head!
Implications for Future Research
As it turns out, many different adversarial example defenses end up
functioning the same. They are some complex model that effectively
learns to classify based on confidence. Of course, this is problematic
because a knowledgable attacker can simply require there attacked sample
to have a confidence of 90% instead of 50%, and immediately defeat the
model. In our testing, we even showed this is often not that much
To address this, we recommended further defemse research use two
different types of attacks. First, they should use adaptive attacks that
aim to simultaneously fool the model and prevent defense prediction from
increasing. Second, they should use high confidence attacks that are
normal attacks allowed to run until a high confidence.
Hair Image Curvature Analysis
As part of my research with Dr. Tina Lasisi, I worked on updating the
Fibermorph project which is a project that is used for determining the
length and curvature of human hairs given microscopic images of them.
There were three main goals with improving the analysis: improve the ease
of use, improve the accuracy, and improve the speed. Addressing these
required coming up with new algorithmic approaches, as well as figuring
out methods for generating realistic testing data. This discusses some,
but not all of what went into the project.
Algorithmic Problem
The overall problem is to take a noisy image from a microscope, that
includes some approximately circular arcs, and identify the arcs and
calculate a best fit. There are a few challenges with this specific
task. The arcs often overlap, they can occasionally have a bend (which
should be treated as two separate arcs), they're blurry, and there can
be small gaps.
Because the problem was challenging, a few approaches were evaluated.
The first idea was to use a variant of the Hough transform, modified
for circular arcs, much like is done in this paper. However, this struggled if the arcs ended up being more elliptical
in practice. The second method was to skeletonize each line, and then
experiment with all feasible endpoint combinations and attempt
classical curve fitting. This approach requires many more heuristics,
but proved better in the worst cases.
Algorithm Evaluation
Part of the challenge with this project was the difficulty in
evaluating new approaches. In addition to improving the UI for
checking analyses, a priority was placed on generating realistic data
with known "correct" results. For this, a UI was built out that
supports custom generating images with different levels of noise,
blur, color variance, scratches, and types of arcs. For proper
testing, we need to control whether or not arcs have "bends", how
circular/elliptical they are, the clarity and thickness of the arcs,
and the level of overlap.
How It Was Made
The project was built using python with Numpy to support efficient
vectorized operations. Some operations from scikit-image were also used
to improve image quality. Tkinter was used to create all of the UI
Kattis Contest Replay
Kattis is a popular platform for competitive programming, but it lacks a
feature to replay past contests. This project addresses that gap by
creating a website that combines multiple Kattis contests, allowing users
to compare contests or practice alongside a replayed scoreboard as if they
were part of the original event.
The Challenge
While Kattis excels in hosting competitive programming contests, the
inability to replay past events poses a significant limitation for
practice and analysis. This feature is particularly crucial for
schools and competitive programmers looking to improve their skills by
simulating real contest environments.
Our school faced this challenge multiple times last year, highlighting
the need for a solution that would allow students to experience the
dynamic nature of a live scoreboard while practicing with past contest
The Solution
To address this need, I developed a Sveltekit app that serves as a
comprehensive contest replay platform. The solution consists of two
main components:
Backend: A system that makes requests to the appropriate
Kattis contest webpages, scrapes the incoming data, and formats it into
a JSON structure for easy processing.
Frontend: A user interface built with the help of Shadcn-Svelte,
providing an intuitive and visually appealing way to view contest standings
and navigate through the replay.
Key Features
Ability to combine and compare multiple Kattis contests
Real-time scoreboard evolution simulation
User-friendly interface for easy navigation and analysis
Seamless integration with existing Kattis contest data
Maximum Leaf Spanning Trees
The Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree problem challenges us to find a subset of
edges in a given graph that forms a spanning tree with the maximum number
of leaf nodes. As an NP-hard problem, it requires innovative approaches
beyond traditional algorithms. Our project, developed as part of Penn
State's Graduate Algorithm course, introduces novel heuristics and
transformations that outperform existing methods in both effectiveness and
optimality proofs.
The Challenge
With approximately 40 students tasked to implement the best approach
possible, common solutions relied on optimizing existing approximation
algorithms with worst-case guarantees. However, these methods often
fell short in practical applications, performing relatively poorly
compared to optimal solutions.
Our challenge was twofold: develop a more effective heuristic approach
and find a way to prove optimality for as many instances as possible,
something no other team had achieved.
Our Solution
We developed two key approaches to tackle this problem:
Novel Heuristic Approach: We created a heuristic that
repeatedly chooses edges based on their "centrality", quantified by the
distance to all remaining untouched vertices. Extensive testing showed
this method significantly outperformed existing approximation approaches.
Partial Reduction to 3-SAT: We developed a novel (partial)
reduction of the problem to a version of the 3-SAT problem. This allowed
us to employ state-of-the-art 3-SAT solvers, enabling us to find optimal
solutions and provide proofs of optimality for about 90% of the problem
Generating Challenging Test Cases
As a final part of the project, we developed a method to generate hard
test cases:
Generate random trees
Strategically add edges to "obfuscate" the original tree without
increasing the potential maximum leaf spanning tree
Test difficulty using our heuristics and knowledge of the optimal
This method resulted in test cases demonstrating the largest average gap
from optimal among all submitted cases, effectively challenging other
teams' solutions.
Results and Impact
The combination of our heuristic approach and 3-SAT reduction method
yielded impressive results:
Solved all but 3 of over 120 test cases at least as well as any other
Our heuristic approach alone outperformed the next best method
Provided proofs of optimality for ~90% of instances, a unique
achievement in the class
Physics Calculator
This project implements an advanced Expression Tree parser in pure Python,
featuring a sophisticated pattern matching system. It's capable of
performing complex mathematical operations including derivatives,
algebraic simplifications, and variable substitutions. As a practical
application, the system can handle first-year physics with calculus
equations, solving for unknown variables, combining and solving systems of
equations, and converting between different units.
The Challenge
Traditional calculator projects in introductory Data Structures
courses often lack the ability to perform algebraic manipulations or
handle complex transformations. As a teaching assistant for such a
course, I aimed to create a more challenging and less publicly
accessible project that could integrate concepts from concurrent
Calculus courses.
While the initial goal was to incorporate derivative calculations, the
project's complexity exceeded the scope of the introductory course.
This led to the expansion of the project into a more comprehensive and
flexible system.
The Solution
The core of this project is a generic pattern matching system that
allows for versatile manipulation of mathematical expressions. Key
features include:
Expression Tree parsing for arbitrary complex mathematical
Pattern matching system for flexible equation manipulation
Ability to perform derivatives, algebraic simplifications, and
variable substitutions
Application to physics equations, including solving for unknowns and
unit conversions
Implementation and Future Potential
The approach used in this project is similar to how Abstract Syntax
Trees are parsed in many programming languages. It also shares
fundamental principles with advanced Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) like
Wolfram-Alpha or Sage Math. The main difference lies in the
implementation of clever heuristics for Expression Tree manipulation,
which are crucial for efficient equation handling in full-fledged CAS
While the current implementation relies on brute-force methods for
manipulating equations, which can be slow for complex expressions, it
provides a solid foundation for further development. With the addition
of more sophisticated heuristics, this system could potentially evolve
into a powerful tool for mathematical and physical computations.
Other Projects
Beyond the featured projects, I've worked on a variety of other
interesting and challenging projects across different domains. While these
projects may not have dedicated pages due to various reasons (including
having a hard drive crash on me, similarity to other projects, or having
created them for university course assignments), they represent a diverse
range of my skills and interests in computer science and artificial
Games AI
Genetic Algorithm for evolving 2048 heuristics used in a expectimax
search, achieving a 95% win rate and able to provide human player
Alpha-beta search with PyTkinter visualization for Reversi
Simulation analysis of many different games, most notably for Dominion
Research-Oriented AI
In depth research presentations on AI security papers
Multiple different adversarial example attacks on MNIST images
Implementation of Neural Cellular Automata with interactive UI
CNNs in NumPy with model visualization
Genetic Algorithms for optimizing clustering algorithms by applying
transformations to each dimension separately, applied to sports
Web Scraping and Data Analysis
Parsing 30+ years of somewhat unstandardized 10-K annual reports for
financial research
YouTube API data extraction and channel prediction via community
Standardizing Quiz Bowl questions from various PDF formats into JSON
Facebook Messenger log analysis for communication patterns and
Video Analysis
Automatic sports highlight extraction based on crowd audio levels
Zoom Office Hour content optimization by removing downtime
Other Projects I found Fun
Python AST modification to make quick testing easier. Specifically
improving debugging and at run time changing floating point operations
to Fractions calculations
ASCII art image and video converter, including a fully ascii art video
Simple assembly-like language interpreter
Brainf*** JIT compiler and code generator with different heuristics
and string algorithms for short code generation